Introduction to Climate-related Financial Disclosure: What is TCFD and its Recommendations

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Introduction to Climate-related Financial Disclosure: What is TCFD and its Recommendations

28 Sept 2020
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We ended the month of September with the 4th instalment of the Sustainable Finance Webinar Series with a session titled “Introduction to Climate-related Financial Disclosure: What is TCFD and its Recommendations” on 28 September 2020 at 10 am. Moderated by Suraya Sani, Senior Supervisor, Financial Conglomerates Supervision Department, Bank Negara Malaysia, the session highlighted the views of speakers who are well-versed in the area of sustainability and risk management. Ryan Bjorkquist, Director of Environmental & Social Risk Management, Standard Chartered Bank; Hani Khalit, Engagement Manager, CDP Capital Markets, and Elim Kwok, Senior Project Officer, CDP Corporate Engagement, discussed the final recommendations by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), current disclosure practices as they relate to the Task Force’s recommendations, key challenges associated with implementing the recommendations, and some of the efforts the Task Force will consider undertaking in coming months to help address some of the implementation challenges. The webinar was attended by over 200 participants, who actively engaged with the speakers through the Q&A session and chats.

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