Conferment 2024

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Ethical Finance ASEAN 2025
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Unmasking Insider Risk — Building A Resilient Culture
Unmasking Insider Risk — Building A Resilient Culture
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Congratulations to all Conferees!

Tan Sri Azman Hashim, FCB

Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers

Good morning, it gives me immense pleasure to extend a warm welcome to each one of you at the 7th Chartered Banker Conferment Ceremony 2024 of the Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers (AICB).

Today, we gather to celebrate the remarkable achievements of individuals who have demonstrated exceptional dedication and excellence in attaining the prestigious Chartered Banker status. This moment marks not just the attainment of a professional banking certification but a significant milestone in your professional career and journey. I would like to extend my heartiest congratulations to all our esteemed conferees today.

I am sure the path to achieving this professional certification has been filled with challenges, sacrifices and late nights. I would also like to express thanks to all those who have supported our conferees throughout this journey. To your family members and friends, mentors, colleagues, and employers who have offered guidance, encouragement and support — thank you.

The banking sector stands as the cornerstone of a Nation’s economy, facilitating growth, development and financial stability. It is not merely about transactions and numbers, but about fostering trust, enabling opportunities, and empowering individuals and businesses to fulfil their aspirations and make a positive impact on society. I very much hope that this journey has not only equipped you with the competence and skills needed to excel in your respective roles, but also instilled within you a deeper sense of purpose, professionalism and passion as a banker to make meaningful contributions to your respective organisations, the communities and the broader economy.

At AICB, we are encouraged by the 3,618 new members we welcomed in 2023, charting a commendable overall growth of 2.9% and bringing the total membership to 35,703 with over 340 international members hailing from 26 countries across Asia. And with the conferment of 4 new Fellow Chartered Bankers and 103 Chartered Bankers today, we now have 32 Fellow Chartered Bankers and 776 Chartered Bankers to date, amounting to a total of 808 members who hold the Chartered Banker status, which is jointly awarded by AICB and the Chartered Banker Institute (CBI) in the United Kingdom. Additionally, we also maintained a robust membership retention rate of 96% for certified members, a testament to the Institute's unwavering commitment to delivering exceptional value through continued support and services to its members.

As the financial sector continuously evolves, presenting new complexities and uncertainties, banking and finance professionals must strengthen their resilience, adaptability and capabilities to prepare for the future of banking, AI and beyond. Recognising the importance of having a broad understanding of core banking knowledge, as well as the ability to consider and respond to new developments, by completing the Chartered Banker programme, you have invested in and equipped yourself with extensive, detailed and critical knowledge of the banking sector and its ever-changing landscape, elevating your career and placing yourself on a trajectory to success. This is what makes it an exclusive professional banking qualification and a prestigious professional designation.

Having said that, the crux of being a successful banker lies not only in the knowledge you possess, but also in the values you hold. I cannot stress enough the importance of honesty, integrity and trustworthiness in the discharge of your duties, as bankers are the gatekeepers to highly confidential information entrusted to us by our clients. Albert Einstein once said, “Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters”.

And so, as you take the oath of commitment to AICB’s Code of Professional Conduct today and attain the prestigious Chartered Banker designation, I urge you to take pride, not just in your abilities and achievements, but also in the principles that guide you in the personal and professional decisions you make daily. On behalf of AICB, I would like to say that we are immensely proud of everything our members have achieved, and we applaud their dedication to continuing professional development. In an industry that is facing rapid change, lifelong learning is imperative to remain relevant.

As you progress in your career, do not view this certification as the end of your learning journey, but rather as the beginning of a new phase of exploration and discovery. Continue to remain curious, open-minded, and eager to embrace new knowledge and experiences, and leverage your certification as a springboard to further pursue excellence and innovation in your respective areas of work.

As the professional body for bankers in Malaysia, AICB is committed to delivering the best opportunities in professional learning to our members to accelerate their professional journeys. I am pleased to share that in July 2024, we will be launching the Future Skills Framework (FSF), a pivotal resource in this journey. Conceived as a key component of the Financial Sector Blueprint 2022–2026 introduced by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) in January 2022, the FSF will be integral to promoting skills mastery and ongoing learning.

Our longstanding synergies with the CBI, UK, and our exclusive training partner, the Asian Banking School (ABS), have also allowed us to deliver added value to our members. As the largest specialised provider of quality banking training programmes in the ASEAN region, ABS has trained over 150,000 professionals in various banking areas, including professional qualifications developed and awarded by AICB.

In closing, I would like to express my deepest thanks to BNM for their unceasing support, my fellow Council Members, our partners — CBI, UK, and ABS — and as always, to the AICB management and staff for their dedication to the Institute’s noble mission to professionalise the banking industry.

Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad

Dato' Sulaiman Mohd Tahir

Khazanah Nasional Berhad

Dato' Amirul Feisal Wan Zahir

Malayan Banking Berhad

Dato' John Chong Eng Chuan

RHB Bank Berhad

Mr Angus Salim Salleh Amran


Affin Bank Berhad

Ms Manimalar Somasundaram

Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad
Ms Khoo Yi Mei
Ms Liew Chen Yee

Mr Ling Sie Lein

Ms Tan Siew Teen

AmBank (M) Berhad
Mdm Chung Soo ErMs Kok Cheng YeeMs Lee Chui Mei
Mr Low Yoon YeapMs Mimi Rozana MuhammadMs Nancy Tan Poh Sim
Mr Syed Fiesal Syed OmarMs Tan Poh YiangMr Yap Huey Wen

Ms Yee Li Yi

Mr Yeo Wee Hean

Asian Banking School Sdn Bhd

Mr Lew Taw Fong

Dr Lim Guan Chye

Dr Paramsothy Vijayan


Baiduri Bank Berhad

Mr Stephen Nelson Anandaraj

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Mr Muhammad Rasyaik MuradMs Noor Hartini IshakMs Norhashimah Mohd Nor

Bank Kerjasama Rakyat Malaysia Berhad

Mr Mohd Mazery Mustapha Kamal

Bank Negara Malaysia

Ms Asfarina BaharuddinMr Daniel Chin Shen LiMs Kalaiselvi Somasundaram
Ms Suraya SaniMr Tan Meng YeowMr Wafiuddin Ahmad

Bank of America Malaysia Berhad

Ms Chew Mui Khim
Mr Lim Fook Choy

Ms Norhaida Esa

Mr Roslan Jaafar

Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Ding Huey Chyi


CIMB Bank Berhad

Ms Chan Yoke MoiMs Chau Pui FuiMs Choong Xiao Wen
Mr Chuah Chin KeatMs Chuah Lee SuanMs Ho Chin Yee
Ms Michelle Teh Gin GinMs Mok Hui JingMr Raymond Gan Hiong Hup
Ms Wong Vai Ngai


Hong Leong Bank Berhad

Mr Liew Yuen FourMs Loo Lai FongMs Ng Li Sei

HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

Ms Chan Peng Peng


J. P. Morgan Chase Bank Berhad

Mr Khairul Anuar Mohd Kamal


KAF Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Mushirah Zainuddin
Ms Siti Syuhada Mohd Arif

Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Harisha Babu


Malayan Banking Berhad

Ms Alicia Chew Li Peng

Ms Elaine Sim Yi Ling

Ms Liew Wai Guan

Ms Low SooyanMs Mollie Khoo Boon LeeMs Nor Atikah Md Aris
Ms Shubasheny Appala Nayadu

Mr Siva Raj K. C. Jeyarajah

Mr Syed Ahmad Taufik Albar

Ms Teng Keat Yee

Maybank Investment Bank Berhad

Mr Kevin Vijendren Davies

MBSB Bank Berhad

Ms Hong Wen Jo

MUFG Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Mr Ang Lek Hui
Mr Thanabalan Pitchaymuthu


OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Liloshna Lakshmanan

Ms Lim Chu Luan

Ms Tan Shu Yi


Public Bank Berhad

Mr Chan Woon Chiang

Ms Lam See Yuen

Ms Lee Tan Ling

Ms Lee Yan Yee

Ms Wong Hung Kiong

Public Islamic Bank Berhad

Mr Tan Keat Lin

Public Bank Lao Limited

Mr Ooi Yee Zheng


RHB Bank Berhad

Ms Lim Sze Siew

Ms Noor Ameera Duasa

Ms Nurul Fazula Zulkifli

Ms P. Linda Lopez A. P. LopezMs Tam Sheh Yin

RHB Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Arlyne Davina Kunyir
Mr Tan Boon Ching


Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad

Mr Leem Yu Xiang
Ms Lok Joan
Ms Poon Wei Leng
Mr Tan Fong Wee

Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation Malaysia Berhad

Ms Kong Lyn Huei


United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Lian Ching Lih

Mr Lim Han Wai

Mr Neo Teng Chia

Ms Ng Wei Wei

United Overseas Bank Limited

Mr Saw Kuan Weng

Other Organisations

Capco Consultancy (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd

Ms Phang Mun Yee

FWD Takaful

Ms Sharon Shanthy Dorairaj


Ms Foo Toon Yin

Ms Yap Yee Lee

Mr Yeow Thean Chin

International Members

Bank of Maldives PLC

Mr Badhurudheen Hassan

CIMB Bank Berhad

Mr Gurdeep Singh

Maybank (Cambodia) PLC

Mr Thengmeng Te

United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Mr Wong See Hong


Affin Bank Berhad

Mr Mohammad Akmal Hasan

Mr Mohammad Anis Jais

Affin Hwang Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Foo Siew Wei

Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad

Ms Lee Pei Sze

Ms Nur Syazeila Samadi

Ms Saw Fong Geok

Ms Soo Lee Ling

Mr Thew Chin Long

AmBank (M) Berhad

Ms Chang Lee Mun

Ms Chew Koon Huey

Ms Doreen Ngui Ing Pin

Ms Law Yeen Nee

Mr Lee Wai Leong

Ms Lim Kit Yin

Mr Low Ken Tatt

Mr Prashanta Jayakumar

Ms Quak Boon Jun

Ms Raevathi Pathmanathan

Ms Tan Mei Siew

AmBank Islamic Berhad

Mr Muhammad Rasul Jemain


Bangkok Bank Berhad

Ms Lee Tin Choo

Mr Ng Kok Loong

Mr Tan Jee Foo

Ms Yap Pek Heong

Bank Islam Malaysia Berhad

Mr Ahmad Munauwar Omar

Mr Azman Yusoff

Mr Hamzah Johari

Ms Kohila Dhevi N. Subramaniam

Mr Muhammad Syamim Ja'afar

Ms Nurasyikin Mohd Noor

Ms Ong Ing Ing

Bank Muamalat Malaysia Berhad

Ms Norfarhana Sumiran

Bank Negara Malaysia

Mr Eizlan Yeo Anwar Yeo

Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Koh Chian Ting

Bank Pembangunan Malaysia Berhad

Ms Lee Mei Yee

Ms Nur Farhana Muhd Yusuf

Ms Suraya Ahmad Mahir

Ms Yap Hwee Cheen

Ms Yong Chiew Ping


CIMB Bank Berhad

Ms Chan Sook Yen

Ms Chitra Devi Hari Krishnan

Ms Choo Geok Fong

Mr Christopher Chew Chien Ming

Mr Ee U Wai

Ms Gan Chin Chin

Mr Han Siu Boon

Mr Imran Azhar

Ms Lee Bei Ying

Mr Lim Sze Khai

Mr Lim Yeh Kang

Mr Lore Kin Nyung

Ms Michelle Soon Hui Shien

Mr Mohamad Salleh Fitri Othman

Ms Ng Cai Yun

Ms Phoon Hoi-Fen

Ms Samantha How Choi Mun

Ms Siti Qamariah Kadirun

Ms Tan Ah Guak

Ms Tay Ru-Yiin

Mr Wan Mohd Baharin Idlan Wan Bakar

Mr Wong Chern Fun

Ms Yogesfary Thirumoorthy

CIMB Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Amirah Diyana Ahmad Izham

Ms Heidi Raman

CIMB Islamic Bank Berhad

Ms Ainul Kamillia Dean Kamarudin


Deutsche Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Mr Chiam Sheng Yang


Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Berhad

Ms Amirah Abdullah Azif

Ms Nur Afida Nur Azman

Ms Nurul Hana Abdul Mutalib


Hong Leong Bank Berhad

Ms Aaqqilahh Muhammad Aslam Velayutham

Ms Cheng Sue Kuan

Ms Chong Mei Ling

Mr Christopher Luke Felix

Ms Fatimah Akmal Zulkifli

Ms Haslina Abd Hadi

Ms Ling Poh Yuen

Mr Malvinjit Singh Jagjit Singh

Ms Mandy Ling Wei Ting

Ms Najwa Zam Zam

Ms Tan Meow Min

Ms Teo Woon Hwan

Mr Thiagu Omapathi

Mr Zharif Shafiq Onn

HSBC Bank Malaysia Berhad

Ms Adelynn Cheah Ee Kim

Ms Gayathiri Chanderaseker

Ms Kee Siu Yee

Mr Lim Chi Loon

Ms Norsalehah Razali

Mr Soo Lin Syiang


Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Bong Lui Lui


Kenanga Investment Bank Berhad

Ms Toh Poh Har


Malayan Banking Berhad

Mr Andy Tan Eng Tat

Ms Dhivya Sarpal Pardeep Kumar

Ms Elizabeth Mok Sook Fun

Mr Eugene Wong Hon Sim

Ms Evelyn On

Mr Frederick Loh Ngik Lun

Ms Kartina Ahmad Harnaini @ Abdullah

Mr Mak Eng Wai

Mr Martin Xavier

Mr Mohamad Ameroul Rashid Atan

Mr Mohd Fared Faizal Tan

Dr Mohd Raihan Abdullah

Mr Muhammad Hakim Azman

Ms Nur Alia Ahmad Hisham

Mr Ong Vincent

Mr Ridzuan Ishak

Mdm Sh Siti Aisyah Wan Abdullah

Mr Shahrul Affizal Shahaini

Ms Shalini Thiruchelvam

Mr Tan Wei Yine

Ms Yeap Sui Yi

Ms Yip Siew Ying

Ms Yong Pay Ing

Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad

Ms Ching Li Ting

Mizuho Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Ham Yen Yean

Ms Tan Sook Sin

MUFG Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Chan Wai Foong

Ms Leong Yan Hoong

Mr Nicholas Tan-Rausch @ Tan Chien Siang

Ms Nurhidayah Shamsul Tajri


OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Mr Amir Shafiee Mohd Fauzi

Ms Chin Mei Cheng

Ms Lim Chai Ling

Ms Then Jin Hong

Ms Voon Pik Koon


Public Bank Berhad

Ms Ang Ae YeeMs Bong Sze TingMr Chan Kai Xian
Ms Chan Shuet YeeMs Chan Wei LingMs Cheah Yin Seong
Mr Chen Sian KhangMs Chia Wen JingMr Chia Yen Juan
Ms Chia Yi TianMs Chin Yi NingMr Ch'ng Kai Xian
Ms Chooi Wei SanMr Choong Keat MoonMs Chow Yean Yee
Mr Dennis Tay Chor SernMs Diana How Han KuanMr Edward Phua Kok Chun
Mr Hoh Yan ChunMs How Pei NyinMr Jeff Lee Chien Hoe
Ms Kam Cai LingMs Khau Yu NingMs Kow Jia Poh
Mr Kuhan JegathisanMr Lee Choon MunMs Lee Moon Yi
Mr Lee Shao XianMs Lee Sook YenMs Lee Xin Ting
Ms Li Ye YuenMr Liew Yuen YuanMs Loh Rui Qing
Mr Loo Boon PengMs Low Man YeeMs Low Mei Sin
Ms Mah Pui YokeMr Mohamad Salahuddin RazaliMs Ng Jee Queen
Mr Ng Joo SenMs Ng Yin YingMs Ng Yuen Li
Ms Ngoo Sze MinMs Nuramira AzraiMs Ong Syn Wei
Ms Pang Fei LiMr Poh Ki JuanMs Sharneshwary Siva Sharavanan
Ms Soo Lee UngMr Soo Yang JunMr Tai Weng Sang
Ms Tan Bee KeeMs Tan Chia LiMr Tan Chun Guan
Ms Tan Jia YingMs Tan Pit SuanMr Tan Shi Sheng
Mr Tan Shu HaoMs Tan Yee SingMs Tan Yin Yin
Ms Tan Yu JiMr Tang Phong SoonMs Teh Shu Qi
Ms Teoh Cheng LayMs Ti Ting XiangMs Toh Hui Nei
Mr William Tan Wey LianMs Wong Hooi ShinMs Wong Siao Wei
Ms Yam Yan PingMr Yap Kok JinMs Yap Yee Mun
Ms Yeo Kiah YeeMs Yeo Rou FangMs Yong Wei Yee
Ms Yong Yee LingMs Yoong Lay Sanm

Public Investment Bank Berhad

Mr Lim Wei Jian

Ms Swee Wan Qi


Royal Bank Canada

Ms Shahratul A'izati Ahmad Zaki

RHB Bank Berhad

Ms Cynthia Lee May Li

Ms Khaw Lai Zhu

Mr Mohd Nazri Hasan

Mr Mohd Norhakim Ismail

Mr Muhammad Afiq Farhan Mazlan

Ms Neoh Mee Jie

Ms On Pei Fang

Ms Puteri Nur Najwa Megat Husni

RHB Islamic Bank Berhad

Ms Siti Balqis Amran


Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad

Mr Ng Shin Seong

Ms Nirmala Menon Vidiasagaran Menon


United Overseas Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Ms Chee Siew Mei

Ms Jessica Lim Li Choo

Ms Toh Ka Reen

United Overseas Bank Limited

Ms Siew Fuh Ting

Other Organisations

Axiata Digital E-code Sdn Bhd

Ms Sim Siok Fei

Credit Guarantee Corporation Malaysia Berhad

Ms Farisa Mohd Idris

Mr Khoo Chee Hoe

Khazanah Nasional Berhad

Mr Fam Yi Nuo


Mr Muhammad Aniq Kamarulzaman

Phillip Capital Holdings

Ms Aruna P. Rajendran

Prime Minister's Department

Mr Ahmad Farhan Mohd Kezam

Prudential BSN Takaful Berhad

Ms Nurfadhilla Samsudin

PwC Malaysia

Mr Aidil Aizzuddin Razlan Rizal

Touch 'n Go Sdn Bhd

Mr Teh Guan Khim


Ms Joanna Liow Hui Ying

International Members

Canadia Bank PLC

Mr Romnea Keat

CIMB Bank PLC (Cambodia)

Ms Chenda Pheakdey Oum

Malayan Banking Berhad

Ms Jacqueline Diaz Lim

Maybank (Cambodia) PLC

Mr Heng Sun Long

AICB Excellence Award (Module)

Level 2


Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Financing of Terrorism Practices

Mr Mohd Farid Hafiz Mohd Ariff

Malaysian Industrial Development Finance Berhad

Bank Audit Practices

Ms Yap Li Xuan

Alliance Bank Malaysia Berhad

Bank Business Credit Practices

Ms Ooi Yen Xing

CIMB Bank Berhad

Professionalism and Ethics

Mr Chan Meng Keet

CIMB Bank Berhad

Regulatory Compliance Practices

Mr Wong Chern Fun

CIMB Bank Berhad

Level 1


Certificate in Anti-Money Laundering & Counter Financing of Terrorism

Ms Stephanie Chan Lai Kheen

CIMB Bank Berhad

Ms Wong Wen Yi

Public Bank Berhad

Certificate in Credit

Mr Fong Yi De

CIMB Bank Berhad

Certificate in Financial Services

Ms Wong Sing Nee

OCBC Bank (Malaysia) Berhad

Certificate in Regulatory Compliance

Mr Puvanesvaran Selvaraja

Malayan Banking Berhad

FMAM–AICB PKMC Module Prize Award


Module I — The Regulatory Framework and Structure of the Malaysian Financial Markets

Ms Seow Sheue Ying

Bank Negara Malaysia

Module II — The Money Market

Ms Loke Wei Wern

AIA Berhad

Mr Muhammad Khairuddin Harith Abdul Malib @ Abdul Malik

Affin Bank Berhad

Module III — The Foreign Exchange Market

Ms Goh Yeok Qin

Hong Leong Bank Berhad

Module IV — Risk Management and Basic Derivatives

ICA–AICB Excellence Award


Certification in Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism

Ms Lee Elaine

Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad

Certification in Regulatory Compliance

Ms Chang Sin Yoong

United Overseas Bank Limited

Advanced Certification in Anti-Money Laundering and Counter Financing of Terrorism

Ms Leow Yee Qian

Standard Chartered Bank Malaysia Berhad

Advanced Certification in Regulatory Compliance

Mr Falino Ku Chun Loong

YTL–Sea Digital Bank Project

Download the PDF programme booklet here.

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